4 steps to become an instructor

4 steps to become instructor

Whether you have existing video content or you need help creating your first eLearn course, we’ve got you covered. The first thing to do is sign up to become an instructor.

We’ll help you share your knowledge and give you the potential to reach thousands of learners across the globe. Together, we’ll continue our mission of improving lives through learning.

Here’s a quick overview of the 4 steps to becoming a published eLearn instructor.

1. Plan your course

plan your course

Pre-planning your course is important before you start creating your first course. That way, you’ll have the right context of what you’re going to teach and whom you’re creating your course for.

1.1 Choose your topic. You can teach anything, except a small list of restricted topics. We’ll help you identify the topics that are in-demand and guide you on creating relevant courses for your target learner.

1.2 Identify your target learner. It’s important to know who your course is for—it’ll help you identify specific learning objectives for your course and create a course for a specific audience.

1.3 Decide your learning objectives and course structure. Pre-deciding the course learning objectives is critical to creating a well-structured course that is relevant to your target learner.

2. Produce your course

produce your course

Upload your existing content with our bulk uploader feature, or follow our recommended steps for creating a course from start to finish.

2.1 Select your equipment and set up your studio. Don’t worry if it’s your first time using audio/video equipment. We’ll help you set up your home studio to optimize your learners’ learning experience. Learn how to set up your audio/video equipment and check a list of recommended audio and video equipment (Clause 6).


2.1 Submit a Test Video. This is a free service to get your production basics right before you film your final course videos. We’ve helped each and every instructors master the process of teaching online. Learn more about creating and submitting your first eLearn course.


2.3 Create and practice your script. Learners love passionate and interesting instructors, who keep them engaged. So you’ll create and practice your script to be prepared to keep those energy levels up!


2.4 Create and upload your final course video. You’ll upload your final course videos along with any additional learner learning materials, as per your preference.

3. Polish your course

polish your course

At this stage you’ll add the finishing touches to your course before publishing it. You’ll complete tasks like crafting your course summary, creating your course image, completing your instructor bio, setting your course price and checking your course before submitting for review.

4. Publish your course

publish your course

By this time, you’ll be almost there!

4.1 Submit your course for review. You’ll submit your course for review before publishing. Our review process helps us maintain a consistent course quality and will help you improve your production quality. So all course videos, has to go through our quality review process before it is launched on our platform. Learn more about our quality review process.

4.1 Update and publish your course. The eLearn Review team will evaluate your final course video and provide feedback if necessary. You’ll make the necessary changes to your course and publish it on our platform.